Disney Cruise Intro.

2 out of 4 people in our family do not have the patience to wait in lines. One of them is my husband. How in the world would our family EVER “do” Disney World??? Out of nowhere my husband announced, “We’re just going to do the Disney Cruise thing where you don’t have to wait in lines!”

In that moment, I don’t think he realized that “the Disney Cruise thing” could ever be singular. Blindly, I booked a Disney Cruise and did little to NO RESEARCH on Disney Cruising.

We went on the cruise and to say we fell in love would be an understatement. After that cruise, we went on another one approximately a year and a half later and then another one a year and a half after that. In between these cruises, I have done an enormous amount of research on tips, hacks, planning and packing. That being said, I would not consider myself a “Disney junkie”. However what I do love is:

  1. Organization
  2. Excellent service
  3. A vacation where my kids are having the time of their lives while I am also able to recharge my batteries and connect with my partner

I cannot wait to share these insights with YOU! In fact, our friends and neighbors have Disney Cruised with us and I prepped them with all of my secrets and their response, “your information was what made our Disney Cruise so much fun!”